In the following some of our projects in computational economics are presented with a short description. If you are interested to apply such projects we are open for any kind of cooperation. So please feel free to send me an email for further information.
Or if you just are interestes in details of some of the projects we are prepared to give you a nice introduction.
The main purpose of the project is to establish an interactive gaming and simulation platform in a virtual 3d world. The project is expected to support decisions and planning processes in complex political environments and to develop scientifical models of decision making in complex environments. E.g. effects of research and technology politics and innovative politics on different levels of govermental invention are in the center of attention. The following questions, relevant in innovation research and environmental research: are in the focus of Intsim:
Figure 1: Entrance Hall of the Goverment of Utopia, hosted by Cybersdorf
Source: ARC, Second Live
If you are interested in this project, please take some time and come for a visit to our conference room in second live, Roclaren island 188,87, 89 or simple click on the picture above and you will be teleported to our conference room (you need to have a second live client installed bevor doing this). You will find me under the nickname Johin Cybersdorf.
Innovation policy is becoming more and more complex in the last years. In order to perform a sustainable innovation policy with high impact in urbane space, it is helpful to collect all relevant information and make it available to the decision makers. Recend developments in ICT make it possible to build up a web based knowledge base to support decission making in innovation policy. An information system can support the decisions of practitioner in innovation policy by combining information from macro statistics, micro statistics and by using innovation theory to create practical knowledge from these statistical results.
For the IIS the following four main topics are defined:
Figure 2: Innovation Information System, Screen shoot
Source: ARC
If you are interested you can visit the IIS by clicking on the screen shoot.
ERRAM was a model for calculation of future economic development areas, based on expected company decision, expected political plannung and natural endowments.
Figure 3: Some Map Examples of the first Version of ERRAM
Source: ARC, IPE, Paula
The Framework of ERRAM was transformed into a software packedge. However this software is not presented in internet up to now.
Knowledge as source of the prosperity for regions With the designation innovative system is carried thereby for the fact calculation that scientific inventions and new techniques are less and less the coincidental result of individual researchers, like still before one hundred years, but mostly systematically produced results of complex social and technical processes to represent. To it usually numerous persons and institutions, also from different countries, are involved in the context of various exchange and cooperative relations. Co-operation and the networking from research activities become thereby ever more important elements of innovation processes, primarily in sharpening and high technology segments. These form the condition for the necessary Kumulation and linkage of knowledge from often quite different technical directions and ensure the production of desired and necessary synergies.
On the quality of the respective RIS (regional innovative system) the technological-economical efficiency of a location and the operating enterprises depends considerably. The improvement of the efficiency of a RIS, i.e. the central elements and the relations and the interdependences is a major task of modern regional development policy. Apart from the efficiency play beyond that openness and transparency of the innovative system in relation to new challenges as well as the flexibility in relation to the treatment of new problem definitions an important role, since in the past it showed itself that straight once particularly successful regions in their development adapt only ponderously to a new economic surrounding field and that also only if the suffering printing became already large.